If you have suspicions about activities in your home or business but have been unable to acquire the evidence required to make a reasonable judgement or to prosecute law breakers, video External link opens in new tab or windowsurveillance could be an ideal solution to your needs. While there are DIY options on the market today, there’s simply no substitute for the experience and knowledge the finest video surveillance services Ontario has to offer. Understanding exactly how they can help and learning what to look for in the right private investigation and surveillance service operation is vital in ensuring that evidence is documented quickly, efficiently, and discreetly.




Video surveillance has been used for years in places from convenience stores to ATMs, but it’s a valuable tool that can be used for countless applications. Some of the most frequent uses for video surveillance include, but are not limited to:

  • Investigating caregivers
  • Insurance fraud investigations,
  • Domestic investigations
  • Family law investigations
  • Workers' compensation investigations
  • Disability claims
  • Strike surveillance
  • Counter surveillance

A DIY system might help cover a small area, but going bigger can become an expensive option that will need to be maintained and monitored. By using a professional full service private investigation and surveillance service firm like MKD International, the right equipment and an experienced team can help solve the problem.




State of the art equipment can be the difference between an estimation of what is happening and clear evidence that a problem is occurring on your property. Unlike on TV, poor quality video most often cannot be enhanced to show deeper detail. To get a clear picture, you’ll need the best gear. For proper realistic video surveillance, there’s no better option than bringing in a professional team armed with the finest video surveillance equipment on the market today.




Like any other industry, experience goes a long way. That’s why it’s so important to select a team made up of the most experienced professionals in the field. External link opens in new tab or windowMDK International is comprised of former law enforcement agents from the most reputable agencies in Canada. It’s this wealth of experience that ensures that the right video surveillance equipment is installed in optimal locations and that it's monitored by people who know exactly what they’re looking for.

Video surveillance services in Ontario are among the best possible solutions for just about any surveillance need. There are applications that many have not previously thought possible or viable that can be taken care of by a professional and experienced team well versed in the criminal mind. Choosing the right team is important, and there’s only one way to know if the team in question is right for your unique needs. Call the External link opens in new tab or windowprivate investigation and surveillance service of your choice. Ask any questions you may have, and listen to any guidance they may offer. They can help set up your surveillance solution and have your investigation off to a fast start and deliver results quickly.